Pictured above: Preschool students circling up in a snowstorm of handmade snowflakes with FSP grad Flora Bliss'20.
Over Zoom, early in February, I hosted my third State of the School. Preparing for this reflection of the school year has become a valuable practice to me that I look forward to. I want to share a snapshot of that evening.
Our financials tell a simple and affirming story, which is that we make careful decisions and we are in excellent shape. We’re in a good position because of strong enrollment and people who contribute, as well as the leadership that preceded me and the responsible work of current and past board members. The finance committee meets monthly to review, present, and make proposals to the board. Each fall, our financials are reviewed by an external accounting firm. The personnel committee meets about three or four times per year to review policies and explore how we can better compensate our faculty and staff.
One teacher who has worked at FSP since 2010 remarked that the opening “Year in Numbers” gave such a vivid snapshot of the moment of growth we are in as a school. I have divided these numbers into two categories, using the language of our Strategic Plan, as some have to do with rooting down into our campus and building, and some have to do with branching out into the wider community and world.
The Year in Numbers (February 2024)
Rooting Down:
141 students
103 households
23 zip codes
25 full-time staff
14 part-time staff (includes Summer Camp and AfterCare staff)
73 acres to explore (between FSP which sits on 21 acres and Falmouth Land Trust’s abutting property of 52 acres)
27 Middle School Ambassadors giving tours at 2 Open Houses!
430 Solar Panels which helped us to generate….
41,456 kWh more energy than we consumed. We are net positive!
Branching Out:
108 graduates
5 cross country meets that the girls won this year (all of them!)
21 After School Activities run so far this year
10 years of ice skating at Falmouth Family rink!
35 Field Trips
+ 49 Library Trips
13 Visiting Artists coming in March
1 more summer camp week added for summer 2024
0 visiting committees this year (NEASC, Strategic Plan, Friends Council)
As I said at the State of the School, it is such a thrill to be part of this community at the moment it is sending out its first wave of adult grads into the world. We are still a young school, not just in the age of our school – but in the age of our graduates. The vast majority of our graduates are still in high school and college. It’s been so informative and affirming how grads think back on their time at FSP. The core of what many alums talk to me about when talking about FSP are: Quaker values, adventurous exploratory time outdoors, their love of learning, and feeling truly respected by FSP adults.
“I didn't realize how much I miss this feeling of welcomeness that can't be found everywhere. I enjoyed helping (the youngest campers) interact with each other the same way Friends taught me to treat others.” – Tess McNally ‘20
“It is such a talent to be able to create a bond with a middle school student that is genuine, and appropriate, and treats them like a person with real thoughts and feelings. Teachers at FSP did that so well. – Annie Gott ‘12
“My relationships with teachers and mentors at FSP is something I truly cherish – both then and now! ” – Saharla Farah ‘15