Our Mission
Friends School of Portland challenges and empowers students to develop their intellectual, physical, emotional, creative, and spiritual potential. We honor our students’ natural gifts as they learn to enter the world with confidence, competence, joy, and a sense of purpose. We are guided by the Quaker values of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, stewardship, and truth.
Inquiry - Reflection - Action
Our belief that there is light in each of us leads to the conclusion that we are all natural learners, and we all have something to teach. These beliefs support an active, inquiry-based approach to learning at FSP. In a community of learners, students and teachers alike frame questions, investigate topics and ideas, practice frequent reflection, and connect learning to individual and group action within our communities.
Our Quaker Values
The Quaker witness of simplicity reminds us to live wisely, finding the time and space for the Spirit to emerge. By focusing our attention and time on what we feel is truly important and letting the rest fall away, we become increasingly intentional about our values. At Friends School of Portland, we strive for uncomplicated routines, uncluttered use of space, and careful use of resources to help us stay focused on the development of each person in our school.
Friends have a long history of pacifism and non-violence. Given this, it is unsurprising to find Quakers witnessing against war, military inscription and intervention, capital punishment, and incarceration practices that can compromise or erase our humanity. At Friends School of Portland, we learn to resolve conflict through respectful conversation, peaceful negotiation and repair. We practice sharing community time and space creatively, and we study the peaceful leaders and movements of the world. Middle school students focus on social justice projects in their community and take an end-of-year trip to Washington, D.C. and learn more about issues important to them.
The Testimony of Integrity embodies the devotion to truth, honesty, authenticity, and wholeness, honoring the Inner Light within each individual that connects us all. Integrity calls us to focus on our true selves and to let this understanding direct our actions. At Friends School of Portland, we treat one another with respect and honesty and strive to “let our lives speak.” We seek to be authentic in our words and actions. We strive to align what we believe with the actions we take, and to act with an awareness of how our actions’ affect others. We hold ourselves open to new ideas and commit to direct communication, even when conversations are difficult.
Just as light is invisible without an object upon which to fall, our joys and sorrows, triumphs, and struggles can only be fully realized when they reside in the hearts of others. The strength of our community holds us accountable to be our best selves; its safety allows us to take the risks we must in order to grow. At Friends School of Portland, we create a close and accepting atmosphere as an essential condition for growth and learning. Warm welcomes, daily class meetings, group singing, handling challenges side by side, and celebrating success contribute to a strong sense of community. We engage with our larger community through projects and field trips in the greater Portland area.
Central to Friends values is the belief that each person has “that of God” within. Equality calls us to recognize and celebrate the ways the Light manifests in each individudal. As we strive for equality, we also need to consider equity as we seek to repair the long history of systemic inequalities in our community and beyond. We recognize that all things equal and all things equitable is a distinction that recognizes injustice. At Friends School of Portland, we learn to respect, love, and listen to each person, encouraging our beliefs to be reflected in our actions. We strive to build and nurture a learning community in which each person can be their authentic self and to which each person belongs. This means nurturing a dynamic balance between the gifts of the individual and the group.
Friends’ understanding of stewardship relies upon a foundational belief that our natural, financial, material, and relational resources are gifts, and it is our moral responsibility to tend and care for them in a spirit of gratitude and respect.At Friends School of Portland, we use resources carefully and we learn to care for the world. Students come to know and care for the surrounding forest and study local ecosystems. Our commitment to living lightly on the earth extends from and is reflected in our choices, from the classroom materials we use, to the compost bins in every class, to our building’s design, and the financial decisions we make.
Quakers believe in the continual revelation of truth, and that truth is available to each of us. At Friends School of Portland, truth is reflected in an open-minded approach to curriculum and teaching, and in an emphasis on critical thinking skills. We guide children to practice curiosity - seeking understanding through structured inquiry and listening for truth to emerge from unexpected places. We guide children to express themselves creatively and effectively in conversation, writing and art. We use silence and reflection as ways to deepen understanding and extend the search for truth.
The Quaker Life Committee, at Friends School of Portland, made up of faculty, staff, students, parents, and board members developed this document to articulate the Quaker underpinnings of the school.
In 2025 with the support of the Sue Thomas Turner Fund, we published the first version. This document is dynamic and will be updated and reviewed over time.