Katie and Aila's 2nd grade students performed "Three Billy Goats Gruff" to their 1st grade classmates, Kindergarteners, preschoolers in a Reader's Theater."
Sally and Megan's 1-2 class spent time reflecting on some of the ways the students' writing and reading skills have grown this year. Here are a few highlights students shared:
“It’s easier to sound out words and writing is WAY easier to spell words.”
“I am writing longer stories.”
“Writing songs in music.”
“I have grown in writing by using upper and lower case letters.”
“I have grown in drawing. I draw better characters and I have a style that I like.”
“ I have definitely grown in writing. I really like writing a lot!”
“I am doing more and better writing.”reader
“I am getting better at reading.“
“Before I didn’t know where to put the letters.”