We will nurture and invest in a diverse community where everyone is valued, cared for, and belongs.
Our Strategies:
Deepen our commitment to what is essential, including our rootedness in Quaker values, our rituals and traditions, our connection to the Spirit, and our culture of joyful learning.
Design and implement policies and practices to center a shared vision of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging for the Friends School of Portland community.
Increase our capacity to support student, staff, and family social-emotional well-being.
Formalize and deepen our connections with alumnx.
“In 5 years, I will be in eighth grade and be a really good friend!”
Faculty and staff have convened a Student Integrity Committee meeting this November. This committee will continue to meet on an ad hoc basis.
The Quaker Life Committee received a grant to compile a Faith and Practice pamphlet in the 2023-2024 school year to lend understanding to how Quakerism lives at Friends School of Portland.
This Fall, we have begun our first Admission Self-Audit with guidance from the Association of Independent Schools in New England (AISNE).
We will strengthen our inquiry-based, community-engaged program so that our students are prepared to enter the world with confidence, competence, joy, and a sense of purpose.
Our Strategies:
Review, revise, and renew our curriculum, pedagogy, and practice to more fully align with our Inquiry-Reflection-Action approach to teaching and learning as a community of seekers.
Clarify and align the vision and goals of programming beyond the school day to match the needs of families and students.
Cultivate and deepen mutually beneficial partnerships with educational and nonprofit organizations in our local community and beyond to more fully live our mission and values.
“In 5 years, we will…
…still take care of bugs.”
…might find a dinosaur.”
…read books - for real!”
…be good friends with people and each other.”
We prioritized students’ overnight trips in our 2023-2024 school year budget. The trips are now included in tuition for Grades 3-6. The 7-8 end-of-year trips still have a family and fundraising component but we have retained a modest cost even as the experience has broadened.
We will prepare for the future with a sustainable financial model, consistent with our Quaker values of integrity, truth, equality, peace, community, and simplicity.
Our Strategies:
Formalize a facilities plan (including grounds, buildings, transportation, and technology), which will enhance our student and community experience.
Augment our current financial model by increasing non-tuition revenue and enhancing our culture of philanthropy to connect our community and mission thoughtfully and effectively.
Strengthen our ability to offer fair and attractive compensation that enables a diverse, highly qualified faculty and staff to thrive. Simultaneously, develop a tuition and financial aid structure that best supports our community.
“In 5 years, I will be in eighth grade and read my favorite books more times than I can count.”
Faculty and staff work computers are covered in the 2023-24 budget.
The Board Finance Committee is actively forming our first Investment Committee. We successfully doubled our endowment in honor of our first 100 graduates and the Class of 2023 - raising just over $100,000.